[+MaRiA's HoObY GrOoVy WeBpAgE+]

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Hey every-one! Welcome to my site. theres nuthing interesting on it..at all..but i'll find sumthing to put on it, sumwhere. I've been updating it a bit more recently so yeah have a look around..or not..your choice.someone giv me heaps of thexy pics of them that i can steal and put on my photo page. well, yes. i dont hav anything to say so.. glue ur eyes to the screen, and although u may fall asleep because of how amazingly unentertaining this is, have fun in lookin' round - i'm sure u will. If you DO like my site, come bak all tha time to keep signing the guestbook and telling me how wonderful you think my site is. ta xxx

Sign MY guestbook

or you could just sign it, but please, dont sign it and leave it blank.. i hate that. ive got like tunnes on mine.grr.. but yeah i spoze you can do it anyway coz i do it to every-one elses webpages when not bothering to type the thingy into the thingy.

hmm.. well no-one actually comes here anymore, but i'll just keep updating some sections for the sake of it. i think i've become addicted to updating this website at skool. some other sections will be left as boring as they already are. . so yep,sorry. thanx everyone that comes here.

This is the first time i've updated this website since the beginning of grade 9 or something. this is kinda pointless coz no-one really looks here coz i can't be bothered telling ppl, but ya know. I thought it would be something to do coz i feel like typing lots coz i'm using a really kool keyboard, and i'm so so bored. 

OH MY GOODNESS ,you've found the golden ticket!
Oompa Loompa doopety doo, i have little puzzle for you, Oompa Loompa doopety dee, if you are wise you'll listen to me, Oompa Loompa doopety dar, listen to us and you will go far, you will live in happiness too, like the Oompa, Oompaloompadoop doopedys do!
Sign my guestbook right now! Sign it 10 times if you have to! Theres so much time, so little to do!! ... strike that - reverse it.



SiGn My GuEsTboOk

MY VoTiNg ThInGy ( do this cuz it is kool )

The Power Is Yours
Gaia gave five children magic rings,each with a special power of nature to protect Earth.
"Earth, Wind, Fire, Water,and Heart.. by YOUR powers combined.. i AM captain planet"

ViEw My GuEsTboOk

28003 + 150000